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US Rates File – v24.4 (October 2024)

US Rates File Release v24.4 October 2024

We’re excited to announce the latest release of the US Rates File.

Here are the latest additions and improvements to the product:

What’s new

Tax Rate Accounts

The Tax Rate Accounts file can now be exported for Cloud client data sources.

To access this feature, client accounts must be uploaded by navigating to Home -> Client Data -> Accounts Upload.

Uploaded accounts can be viewed by navigating to Home -> Client Data -> Accounts View.

Post install / monthly update tax rate accounts can be viewed by navigating to Home -> Client Data -> Tax Rate Accounts.

Currently, only a single tax rate accounts can be produced per Rate Type and US State combination, but this will be updated in the next release.

Install File Added to Client Data Sources

To create an install file outside the monthly update process, navigate to Home -> Client Data -> Data Sources and click the “Create Install File” column link for the required source.

The install file progress can be viewed by clicking the “Check Progress” column link.

This feature is only accessible for sources with no existing tax rate or zone content.

New Import Dashboard Checks

The Import Dashboard now displays a warning if the latest raw tax content has not yet been uploaded.

US Tax Content Lookup Beta and API Beta

There is a now a beta API for fetching US Tax Content. This API gives searchable access to active tax rates in the production workspace.

Manual Geography Flag

Geographies which are manually updated in the US Tax Content app are now marked as manually mapped.

A background process is currently running to mark any pre-existing records as manually mapped.

City flag

Inner city flag added for Cloud source city zones.