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June 2024 tax headlines: Latest from the world of VAT and GST

As we head towards the summer, many countries across Europe, Asia and beyond are implementing VAT rate and rule changes as a lever for driving their individual economic goals.

Here’s our round-up of just a few of the key updates from recent weeks:


The Dutch music industry has urged the country’s new coalition government to reconsider its plan to increase VAT on live event tickets from 9% to 21%.


Israel is set to increase its standard VAT rate by 1% to 18% from January 2025; but it is reportedly considering bringing this change into effect sooner, possibly as early as this month.


The general VAT rate is set to be increased to 25.5% in September, as Finland aims to improve its public finances sustainability and halt a rise in debt levels.

The state of Maryland has increased Sales Tax on electronic smoking devices from 12% to 20%, while the levy on a packet of 20 cigarettes has risen from $3.75 to $5.


Kenya will proceed with plans to replace its 1.5% Digital Services Tax after removing objections to the Pillar 2 reform that would implement a global minimum tax of 15%.


The Lithuanian government has proposed the reintroduction of reduced VAT rate of 9% for catering and takeaway food from 1st July.


The GST Committee is set to reconvene discussions relating to the possible consolidation of the 12% and 5% GST rates. It is reported that India could consolidate its five GST rates into four.


From 1st July, the VAT registration threshold in Slovakia will rise from €49,750 to €62,500.


A proposal to reduce Vietnamese VAT by 2% from 1st July to 31st December 2024 is being considered as the country aims to drive production growth through the remainder of the year.


From January 2026, certain goods and services will be reclassified. This includes making accommodation (except camping) and cultural services (except cinema) subject to the standard rate of VAT at 21% rather than the 9% reduced rate they currently benefit from.


Confirmation that equestrian centres must pay VAT at 5.5% has been included in the Finance Act for 2024.


Foreign providers of digital services must register for VAT in Senegal and start to pay it at a rate of 18% from 1st July.